Positive Discipline

Positive Discipline® helps children become confident, capable and happy adults.

Positive Discipline is practiced in over 80 countries. Teachers, parents and care-givers who use it speak enthusiastically about how Positive Discipline improves their “work” with children on many different levels. (Link to Positive Discipline Association website)

Practical "tools" for challenges such as:

  • chores
  • homework
  • sibling squabbles (and worse!)
  • power struggles
  • lack of respect
  • school stress
  • digital devices
  • and more
Every challenge is a chance for children to learn important life skills.
-Lynn Lott

Positive Discipline is a solution approach by Dr. Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott, inspired and developed based on the visionary work of Dr. Alfred Adler and Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs.

The 5 criteria for effective discipline (by Jane Nelsen):

  1. Helps children feel a sense of connection (belonging and significance).
  2. Is mutually respectful and encouraging (kind and firm at the same time).
  3. Is effective long-term (takes into account what the child is thinking, feeling and deciding about him- or herself and about the world – and what he or she has to do in the future in order to survive or thrive).
  4. Teaches important social and life skills (respect, caring for others, problem-solving and cooperation, as well as the ability to contribute to the larger communities in which they live).
  5. Invites children to discover how capable they are (strengthens the constructive use of personal power and autonomy).
Positive Discipline courses are designed to support parents, teachers and others who work with children, in teaching self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation and problem-solving skills to the young ones in their care.

The ground-breaking psychiatrists and thinkers, on whose insights Positive Discipline rests

– Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs ​

«Ein Kind braucht Ermutigung wie eine Pflanze das Wasser.»

– Dr. Alfred Adler

«Einer der stärksten Antriebsmotoren im Leben der meisten Menschen ist der Wunsch, bedeutend zu sein.»

The Founders of Positive Discipline

– Lynn Lott

«Es war immer mein Bestreben, das Leben für andere besser zu machen und ihre Möglichkeiten, sich und anderen zu ermutigen, zu erweitern.»

– Dr. Jane Nelsen

«Wenn Eltern ihre Kinder nach dem 3. Lebensjahr immer noch anziehen, nehmen sie ihren Kindern die Chance, Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Selbständigkeit und Selbstvertrauen zu entwickeln, weg.»